In 1993, with assistance from the B.C.Tel Pioneers and a grant from the New Horizons, the club was born. The first instructors were volunteers from B.C. Tel Pioneers. These lessons were held in the very small room near the auditorium door.
Graduates from those early classes eventually took over the teaching and have been joined by many others, who volunteer their time to share their knowledge of the computer.
As the membership in the computer club grew, a permanent classroom was established, and the meetings were moved to the large activity room.
In the beginning there were only a handful of "graduates" from the one course (M.S. Works), but it was a beginning. Since then the membership has grown to well over one hundred.
We believe one reason for our success, is the lack of formality. As "retired" persons, it was felt we should not be required to adhere to too much to RULE, since it is primarily for fun and sociability as well as learning.
Through the revenue generated by the lessons and a couple of grants from the rotary club the older computers have been replaced...updated when necessary to their present level. From the same sources, funds have been found to purchase a SCANNER, a CD WRITER, A MULTI MEDIA PROJECTOR (which allows us to project computer images onto a twelve foot screen) and other hardware that gives a variety of options for those persons who like to use more sophisticated equipment.