What the Club Offers
The computer club at Newton Seniors Centre offers a wide variety of educational and social opportunities.
Monday Club Meetings (1:00 p.m.- 3:00 p.m.)
Each week, the club holds a meeting where the membership can participate in round table discussions, mini workshops, Question and Answer sessions and more. The club also invites both in-house and guest lecturers to present to the club a variety of computer related topics. We invite you to attend up to three meetings prior to joining the club. Please see the [EVENT SCHEDULE] or the website calendar to see what is scheduled each week.
Monday meetings are held at the Newton Seniors Centre, 13775 - 70 Ave., Surrey, BC
The club offers a variety of classes held in the computer room each week from September thru to June. From tablets to smartphones, laptops and traditional desktop computers...we cover it all. Please take a look at our [CLASSES] section of this website to see what we are currently offering this season. If you are a beginner, we offer sessions that will get you up and running in no time. In addition we have many classes for those interested in furthering their computer skills. Quality classes at a VERY affordable price
Drop-in Help Fridays 10:00am -12:00noon
You are stuck and not sure what to do or perhaps you need a little one on one assistance to learn a new trick or tip. This is the session for you! Currently we offer a weekly drop-in session where members can get help for their unique computer problem. Imagine... almost a private lesson ! Come in and see if you can stump our volunteers! You must be a member of the computer club to use this service.
Computer Maintenance (a minimum intermediate skill level is required please)
Here is a win-win.. the club is always in need of members to help maintain the computer lab. You are guaranteed to expand your computer knowledge in a very social setting. Ask any club volunteer for information.
To join the Computer Club, you must first have a Senior's Services Pass, which covers city-wide Surrey Seniors Centres and is available at the Newton Seniors Centre front desk. The fee is $27.50 for 1 year from the date you sign up.
Just go to the front desk reception and let them know you'd like to join the computer club. They will guide you through the registration process.
The annual membership fee for the computer club is FREE
Newton Seniors Centre
13775 - 70th Avenue
Surrey, BC V3W 0E1
Telephone: 604-501-5010
Ever thought of volunteering for the club?
There are many jobs that need doing to make the club run smoothly.
For many of the tasks...no computer skills are required at all. Perfect for newer computer users !
The education committee are always on the lookout for instructors to teach
classes as well as class helpers. The club also needs people who would be willing
to give a talk on a subject at the Monday meetings.
Whether you can lend a few hours helping out at the Christmas party,
keeping the bulletin board updated, assisting in the drop-in help sessions on Mondays...
the club needs your help ! If you have the time,
contact us or any of the volunteers listed on the club volunteers page.
The more hands helping out, the better our club will be !