To Sleep Or Not To Sleep

What do you do...hibernate,sleep or turn your computer off when you plan on not using it for a short period of time? Most people just leave their computer running and let the screensaver kick on automatically or they turn the computer off. Why not put the computer to sleep?
In previous operating systems, some models would not sleep well. The computer may not turn on properly or would shut off instead of sleeping. In Windows 10, the sleep function is vastly improved. In fact, it's excellent!
In Windows 10- right clip on the start button and point to [shut down or sign-out] Then left click on sleep.
For most models either move the mouse or hit any key on the keyboard to have the computer wake.
The benefit- the computer will go to a low power state in a matter of seconds ( the monitor will also do the same). It is not necessary to shut any program down or close any window. In fact the idea is to put the computer to sleep if you are in the middle of doing something and want to return to it later or are planning on returning to the computer shortly. When waking the computer, it will return to the exact same status.
For newer users or those that don't like to right click -
1. left click on the start button (the flag at the bottom left)
2. left click on the power icon
3. left click on [sleep]
* You will find that using the sleep function is great for accessing your computer in a jiffy. While tempting to use this function and NOT restarting your computer, you will notice a slowdown if you don't restart.